Example: Bad Quote Setup

This is an example of how NOT to set up a direct quote. Note how the set up is actually a rephrasing of the quote. And, check out that lead...

Set up


Purdue Student Government will hold its second meeting of the semester at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Civil Engineering Building, Room 1144.

Purdue Student Government vice president Matt Newton said that the change was made to accommodate a presentation by Ken Burns, the executive vice president and treasurer of the University.

"Ken Burns will be giving an audio-visual presentation on facilities and future planning for the University," Newton said. "The room change was necessary to allow enough space for the equipment."

Newton also said that the Student Affairs Committee has been looking into amending the student honor code in University regulations.

"The Student Affairs Committee has written a recommendation to the University Senate to endorse and amend the new honor code," Newton said.

The Schools of Engineering senator Eric Mehringer said that they are examining the way the Student Government runs the presidential and senate elections.

"We are looking into potential format changes for the elections and will be voting on whether or not we should make the changes at the meeting," Mehringer said.

The School of Liberal Arts senator Sean Cowley said that some of the other issues that are going to be discussed are pertinent to students' convenience on campus.

"The three main things that we are going to be looking into are the election reform, having faculty post their syllabi on the Internet a semester ahead of time, and the food service surveys which were on SSINFO," said Cowley. "These issues are the most pressing at the moment because they are much more involved and need more time to work on."

    NOTE: The previous sentence was liked cut-and-pasted from an email. Would have been better as a paraphrase with a bulleted list.

Cowley also said that the Student Government is going to be doing research on the registration and new student fees.

Newton added that the food service surveys were designed to give students more options with their ID card.

"We're looking at the bigger picture for improving food service for both on and off-campus students," Newton said. "Our goal is for students to be able to use their ID cards for more applications and for them to have more options available with it.

Source: Purdue Exponent